Sunday 10 November 2013

Autumn photos

Sorry it's been like nearly a month again okay, I know I'm bad at blogging but whatever, I'm trying. Anyway like 2 weeks ago I took some photos with my friend Emma and we had a go at being all artsy and probably failed a bit. Oh and by the way Emma's coat is from Jack Wills (I think), her jumper is from forever 21, she didn't actually know where her shirt is from and she put the studs on her self (what a clever child), I can't actually remember where her jeans are from (sorry), her shoes are Converse and her bow is from Claire's. My jumper is from Gap kids (yeah I still shop there and I don't really care), My shorts are from H&M and I put them with some tights because it's all cold now. My coat is from Topshop, my boots are Converse and my bow is from Claire's!

Ooh a little cat walk on the street..

looking like a little weirdo

I look like an evil hunchback, I know.

she's cute.

My coats cool.

Just trying to be artsy.

ooh pretty

This is kind of weird but it looked cool.


I look funny..